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Minggu, Agustus 22, 2010

Who's that lady? Juliet Elliott's interview for Ladylike

I love this interview from ladylike, cause it's just an easy question and I can know her just a little bit more. This is just a little bit of that;

Juliet Elliott, she’s like every boy’s dream girl: doesn’t mind getting dirty, rides bmx, rides fix, throws out amazing tricks, pops that gloss, and hey, she’s fit and HOT! She’s been dominating the track bike scene in London for quite some time now and I doubt she’ll stop any time soon.

how did you get into riding?

i googled how to convert an old frame to fixed and started riding that

whats in your bag?
its full of dirt mainly as i just got back from a festival. Other than that, i got a bunch of filter tips floating around, a new chain and sprocket for my BMX, my wallet and lipstick. And normally my camera. But obviously i took that out to take the picture!

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